AQUARIUS FULL MOON: 8/3/20 Want to know what to expect from the August full moon?August augurs being a very pivotal month, reaping the eclipse fall-out from the June and July eclipses, leading into an astrologically unsettled September. Mars and Uranus are active planets this month. Uranus will cause weather disturbances such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. Uranus portends to be potent around the Full Moon in early August and also mid-month when it turns retrograde. Full Moon arrives on August 3rd, with the Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius, reflecting the rights of the individual versus what's best for the group. Leo rules leaders and those in power, while Aquarius is concerned about the collective. Aquarius is ruled by both Uranus and Saturn, and Uranus is a planet of freedom, Saturn enforces rules and regulations. So we'll witness those in power wanting to establish more restrictions and directives on the populace perhaps even challenging individual freedoms. Feeling restless and unsettled?The Full moon in freedom-loving, visionary Aquarius is waking people up, literally as well as figuratively. Many may feel restless and not able to sleep, while others are "seeing the light" or becoming "enlightened" to what is really happening now. Uranus in Taurus is squaring this full moon, stirring up the collective ire. People don't become "Sheeple," and believe everything out there or what the power brokers tell you. Tune into your intuition, heal your subconscious blocks. The truth will set you free! Uranus Retrograde CycleUranus in Taurus turns retrograde on August 15 until January 15, 2021. That's a five month Uranus retrograde cycle, and it joins all the other outer planets going retrograde, Neptune retro in Pisces, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn retrograde in Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn turn direct in September. This certainly has implications for our economy, the stock market, the election, the Presidency and our national, international and global future. Many believe we are undergoing an economic reset through 2021and we will emerge with a new global economy. Another fun fact, Mercury will go retrograde in Mid-October and turns direct on November 3, Election Day! Can you guess how that might turn out? My prediction that the winner of the U.S. Presidential election will not be known until days, maybe weeks after election day, and there will be all kinds of craziness and chaos preceding and post-election day! Financial Windfall?For those who work with Visualization or manifestation techniques, Uranus retrograde in Taurus will give us an opportunity to recalibrate our financial future. It's a good time to tune into your Soul and prosperity consciousness. This Uranus retrograde cycle is a great time to become an entrepeneur and find a niche in which you can provide a unique service in the emerging new world! |
Libra May 2021Born September 21 - October 21Taurean planets transiting your 8th house of other people’s money, may bring unexpected windfalls or financial boons. You are inspired to get organized. Read more...