SCORPIO (born approx. October 21-November 21):
The Cancer moon eclipses of late June and July 2020 contributed to an emotional roller coaster for Scorpio, and you rode the ups and downs. Leo Full Moon on August 3rd, ushers in a big transition, and you may have achieved some goal that you have moving toward all year. However, it didn't come without a cost financially or to your peace of mind. Uranus opposite your sun has been pushing for change for a while now. It may also have required additional expenses. Venus in your 8th house is trying to replenish the bank. In early August Mercury and the Sun transit your 10th house of career and may deliver some good news in your career or job. By the end of August when Sun transits into Virgo, you'll realize the cost of change is worthwhile. Your ruling planet, Pluto with Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn have been protecting you from major losses, and boosting your love life!
Lucky days: 8/23 & 8/24